Our mission

To empower young males of color through nurturing and supportive relationships with male mentors of color, along with their parent(s) or guardian(s). our aim is to help them towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling future.

“We know from personal experience what tough times they're enduring, the question? Who is going to help them rise above the adversities.”

— Iverson Bonner, Founder of Village of Lights, Inc..”

Our Values

We are founded on compassion, kind and caring actions towards everyone we encounter. Accountability, each of us is responsible for our words, our actions, and our results. Respect, we value everyone and treat each other with dignity and professionalism and Integrity, we build trust through responsible, committed and honest relationships.

Our Vision

Village of Light mentoring program is a safe space for teenage and young adult males in the black community, where they experience nurturing, kind and caring relationships with African American male mentors, along with their parent(s) or guardian(s). This will allow each of them to develop into their full potential, capable of making healthy, informed and responsible decisions as members of their family, community, city and state.

Help us reach our goals, donate today.